My Beliefs

My Beliefs

  1. Collective Progress: I firmly endorse the "disagree and commit" approach to decision-making. It allows for a healthy exchange of diverse opinions when deliberating as a group. However, once a decision has been reached, it is imperative that the entire team commits to its execution without reservation.
  1. Individual Accountability: I advocate for clear and unambiguous accountability. In any endeavor, accountability should rest squarely on the shoulders of a single individual. The concept of a collective entity taking responsibility can often lead to inaction. When tasks emerge from a meeting, they must be promptly assigned to a specific individual.
  1. Quality Ownership: I reject the notion of a "throw it over the wall" mentality in matters of quality. Every developer bears the responsibility for the quality and integrity of the code they produce. This responsibility should be underscored by the ability to demonstrate the code's validity through comprehensive unit and integration tests. Code that remains untested is tantamount to incomplete work.
  1. Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration: I believe that the software engineering profession is a multi-faceted field. I shall never impose restrictions on anyone by suggesting they "stay in their lane." Furthermore, I shall not tolerate such implications from others. I encourage individuals to broaden their horizons, embrace challenges, and if they find themselves working with new or unfamiliar technologies, I pledge to provide the necessary support, time, and space for them to acclimate and excel.

Atharva Joshi

Thu Mar 18 2021